Why Little Things Make You Angry and How To React

Have you ever found yourself overreacting to something as trivial as a misplaced set of keys, or perhaps boiling with frustration because your phone charger won’t fit into the socket on the first try? It’s as though these tiny inconveniences are the straws that break the camel’s back, unleashing a storm of anger that seems…

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Rage Alerts: Spotting Anger Early

Anger is a natural emotion, but when it spirals out of control, it can have serious consequences for our health, relationships, and even our safety. That’s why understanding anger warning signs is crucial for everyone, including older adults and family caregivers. Recognizing these signs early can help in managing emotions effectively and maintaining a harmonious…

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Ketamine’s Impact on OCD Therapy

As someone who treats many patients who struggle with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) for years, I know how challenging it can be to find an effective treatment. However, recent research has shown that ketamine, a medication primarily used for anesthesia, may have a significant impact on OCD therapy. Obsessive-compulsive disorder is a mental health condition characterized…

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Ketamine’s Brain Dynamics: Switch, Heal, Connect

Have you ever wondered, “What does ketamine do to your brain?” It’s a question that’s been on the minds of many, especially those looking for new ways to tackle mental health challenges. Ketamine, once known primarily as an anesthetic, has emerged as a beacon of hope for many dealing with severe depression and other mental…

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Ketamine: Changing The Anxiety Treatment Game

Woman suffering from anxiety in ketamine therapy.

In the bustling city of Atlanta, where the pace of life never seems to slow down, it’s not uncommon for individuals to feel the overwhelming grip of anxiety. As a mental health counselor based in a metro suburb of this vibrant city, I’ve witnessed firsthand the debilitating effects of anxiety disorders on people’s lives. But…

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